Believing in the Magic of Christmas

Where has the time gone?

The 4th of December it is today…I was hoping to get this blog up by the 1st…I can always hope!

My 14 year old son said, as we were driving to school today, “It’s kind of sad when you don’t believe in Santa anymore, like you used to.” I knew who he was referring to… the cool teenager who casually dismisses his non belief in public, but yearns for that magic that believing in Santa brings. We all…former believers…yearn for that magic, don’t we?

 After he made that statement I replied with probably what is the standard retort for this kind of thing which went something like this; “I still believe! I believe in the idea of Santa and the goodwill that he brings, the way people seem to be a little nicer to each other during this season, the special feelings that surround us during this season. I believe in the beautiful decorations and how they uplift the spirit upon viewing them. I believe in the Advent season and getting ready for Jesus’ birth…on the inside and the outside. I still very much believe in it all!”

 I believe in all the sights, sounds, smells, preparations, books, TV shows (oldies but goodies are my faves), celebrations with family and friends, and the  hustle and bustle that comes with the Christmas season. Yes, it is chaotic, frenzied at times…but exciting and meaningful. If you feel like it has gotten out of control, step back a minute and take inventory of what is really important to you and your family. What absolutely cannot be let go of and what might be able to be dropped in this year’s preparation?
 From here on on out, I will be sharing a little tidbit each day leading up to Christmas that celebrates
“Believing in the Magic of Christmas.” 

December 4th
Who fostered this love of all things Christmas ????
My mom and my dad, who created special Christmases for me and my four siblings as we grew up. When I look back on those memories, it is not the gifts that we received that I remember (except for the year that my younger sister got a really cool coat but I did not) but the feelings that were generated celebrating this Holiday together. We are all truly blessed to still celebrate this Christmas when all four of my brothers and sisters come home to my mom and dad’s house to gather together. Lots of laughter is generated and none of us would miss it for the world! 
Who did I just spend the beginning of this Christmas season with? Who came to my aide sawing, drilling, painting, and even hot gluing? I had a deadline to meet and all of my partners in crafting crime were busy including my oldest son.
My mom and dad stopped by to pick up something…at this point I don’t even remember what it was, but after they asked, “What are you up to?” and I told them what I would be working on night and day to get finished, my dad pitched right in and began sawing. After sawing, he dove right into the screw gun and we assembled the bases. My mom helped give another coat of paint to them and made dinner for the kids. After another evening of their help, where my dad was even caught on film using a glue gun (he usually prefers much manlier tools), all 30 of the birdhouses were ready for their dressings! 
He even brought over a kerosene heater because the artist studio where I was decorating them in has no heat and it was freezing. It is amazing how quickly stone buildings trap the cold and never let it go! The caveat was that you had to wear a mask to breathe…details, details. And he called me first thing in the am to see if I had survived the night working in the stinky warmth!
Anyway, after their help with the base assembly I was able to bedeck all 30 with their finery that night and deliver them the next day.
Magic is often created with the help of others! We don’t get to spend a huge amount of time together, for between our busy schedules, both my own and my dad’s work, our long amounts of time spent together are few and far between. This was special, it felt like we were working on one of my late night science projects again like when I was a kid and a teenager. He was the go to guy for helping with those hands on projects and very creative in doing so…hmmm….know anybody like him?

December 4th…Believe in the Magic of Christmas

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  1. Suzanne Downs Norris says:

    Love this! Meg, I helped you carry your wares into the Alzheimer’s Benefit and was hoping I’d get to see more when things calmed down! Sending you great wishes and hoping to come by on the 9th!! Do you have a facebook page?

  2. Lifes Patina says:

    I remember meeting you at the Benefit! Thanks for your help and for your comment on the blog! sometimes it feels like I am writing into thin air, so it is great to get feedback! I do have a Facebook page, both for Life’s Patina and a personal one. Come visit!

  3. What a lovely story.
    I love your birdhouses they look great!
    I would love to come to one of your open houses. When is your next one?
    Have a wonderful, happy, healthy New Year!

  4. Lifes Patina says:

    Thank you Linda for your comment! I am glad that you liked the birdhouses. We have not set our next date yet but will be doing so in the next week. It should be sometime mid April so keep checking back for we will post it as soon as we know. French Hen Farm was one of the first sites that I found when the idea of having a barn sale was first brewing. You are an inspiration and we love your site!
    All the best for you in 2013!