I have to be perfectly honest with you in that I never thought that I would ever write a blog! I had heard about them but was not even sure exactly what they were. What do you do on a blog??? All of that changed when I picked up a copy of Stampington and Co’s, Artful Blogging and I was blown away. All of the beautiful images…page after page, along with articles written by the bloggers themselves revealing what got them hooked on blogging, inspired me. The urge to create and communicate with other creative souls was overwhelming!
Creativity has been a part of me for a very long time. From my earliest attempts at decorating my room for the Holidays out of my stash of goodies in a shoe box to teaching elementary school to raising our own children; creativity has always been an integral part of my everyday life. Those shoeboxes have doubled, tripled and so on so that a Holiday does not go by without the proper adornment. Birthday parties have been huge fun for me as well as for my children. Speaking of the kids (we have five), who range in age from 19 to 9, they are used to me always working on a “project.” Those “projects” have been creative in nature including decorating, gardening, scrap booking, planning parties, school projects, school Benefits, cooking etc.
I am now pursuing the biggest creative “project” that I have dreamed about for a couple of years. It combines many of my creative passions into one venue. The shoe boxes have turned into much larger boxes but the idea remains the same; to instill in life a vibrancy of celebration and beauty. We are here for a short time so incorporate a feast for your senses in your everyday life. I would like to share with you how I have tried to do that in our home. I hope that you can glean some inspiration from my blogs as I have from so many of yours! Stay tuned!