Atlanta Buying Trip



IMG_2099-e1484497731896-1The Atlanta Home and Gift Show, held at Americas Mart is a dizzying array of goods…  food, clothing, accessories, furniture, gifts, garden and more, all assembled under the roofs of three twenty story buildings. Being that this is our sixth year here, we finally feel like we know our way around the maze of floors, halls, elevators and escalators that bring us to the showrooms we want to see and explore. We do our homework prior to arriving, so we know who we want to see, who we have never seen but want to explore and what floors we want to meander on to hopefully stumble across someone new. Seeing, touching and feeling each and every item that we order is very important to us for both quality control, keeping our prices reasonable and making sure the new product we order fits in with our vintage and reclaimed eclectic aesthetic. The trails of food and drink that many showrooms offer helps us to determine our schedule as well!


The decisions are dizzying. While we thought these stone dogs were adorable in a strange way, the bristly wreaths around their necks helped us to say no.


Some decisions are easier than others…NO!


YES!!! Unfortunately this striking set was sold but we are working on acquiring another!


Being that we LOVE old, we tend to visit any and all showrooms that cary the items that we adore. With many of them, we dream that we could purchase it all and just ship it home… as is. One can always dream…


and dream some more.


There are trends each year and after walking through a few show rooms they are always self-evident. We typically ignore trends for we have always done what makes our heart flutter. From the beginning of my buying days, I have always purchased what I am truly in love with … what I would want to have in my own home. I have not looked at trends, bought what is in vogue or purchased the” item of the year.” What we buy and what we bring into the barn, might not be everybody’s cup of tea but that is okay, for they are items that are true to our vision. This year might be a bit different, for some of the trends we saw are much more in line with what we do. We have carried whimsical animal heads, snowy winter houses, bottle brush trees and fireplace mantels since we opened. These ones are just dreamy and different variations were to be found in many of our favorite vendors.


Some of the other trends that we saw was the use of felt, in Christmas ornaments…


and other seasonal decor items. ( We had these this past Fall and will be stocking them again this year!)


Cement… in all manners of applications.



Copper was everywhere… wouldn’t some new copper pieces work well with our vintage copper pieces that we always have in the barn???




Botanicals were everywhere in saturated tones…


and very muted ones.


Gorgeous pottery, metals and natural wood was abundant… we have been totally into these elements for years and are still totally into them! We cannot wait to have them shipped and start working with integrating them into the displays in the barn.

In Atlanta…


inspiration abounds…


relationships are formed…


and fostered.


We cannot wait to show you all of the gorgeous finds, goodies and items that we love that we are having shipped back here to arrive in time for us to integrate them into our vintage finds creating some magical displays. (We just couldn’t resist showing you this adorable little bow wearing gal… another trend… with the no photos sign behind her!)

We are excited to announce the sale dates for our next opening – our Spring Barn Sale!

Preview Spring Garden Party on Thursday, April 6th from 11:00 am until 2 pm (ticketed event…more information coming soon)

Barn Open Friday April 7th, Saturday April 8th and Sunday April 9th.

With excitement to dig into the new goods and bring them to you…



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